

Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Motivasi Perawat Dalam Melaksanakan Tindakan Oral Hygiene Pada Pasien Tidak Sadar di Ruang Instalasi Perawata …..

Post : 2012-05-25

Author : Achmad Sutarjo

Abstrak :Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Motivasi Perawat Dalam Melaksanakan Tindakan Oral Hygiene Pada Pasien Tidak Sadar di Ruang Instalasi Perawatan Intensif Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Lamonga

Motivation of the nurses in oral hygiene care is needed for unconscious patient. In these patients the cerebral fuction is depressed, therefore it requires total care. Oral hygiene presedur will prevent the infection and provide comfort of oral cavity. This study was to analyze factors that influence the motivation of nurses in performing oral hygiene procedure, i.e., education, years of service, position, knowledge, perception of standard operational procedure. This research was conducted in the Intensive Care Installation, Lamongan, Muhammadiyah Hospital, in January 2011. This was a cross sectional study. The sample in this study included all available nurses amounted to 14 nurses. Data analysis was performed by Spearmen Rho test with significance level p â º/ºº¤ 0,005. Result showed that knowledge, perception of standard operating procedures, and the availability of equipment were related with nurses’ motivation in oral hygiene procedure. The predominant factor was the knowledge, with significance of p=0,002.

This study concluded that the motivation of oral hygiene is related higher knowledge can make higher motivation, becouse knowledge abaout oral hygiene make perception so motivation can be increase, if perception of standard operating procedures is higher motivation can be will, if availability of equipment because can be will availability of equipment make work nurses can be easy so motivation can be increase

Keyword: oral hygiene, motivation nurses, unconscious patients.

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